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Essay on internet advantages

Essay on internet advantages

In case of emergency to get information about something, essay on internet advantages, the internet is the medium which can help you in this matter. Taking precautions like not saving your bank details, installing antivirus software, regularly updating passwords, purchasing goods from verified websites, etc while using the internet can help you stay safe. Although the country is on the path of continuous development for the last 75 years, but in the coming 25 years, we Indians will have to become as powerful as we were never before. IT is important to take precautions while surfing the Internet to protect yourself from possible harm. It also exists on bigger levels where different countries steal each other data. People can easily communicate with people essay on internet advantages the globe using communication apps to hold video chats.

The Advantages and the Disadvantages of the Internet

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, the Internet is a source of information and Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. Almost, every piece of information you can easily get on the internet. In case of emergency to get information about something, the internet is the medium which can help you in this matter. It has enabled mankind to reach new uncharted territories. It has made the world a smaller place by bringing people together. On the other hand, the Internet is also capable of pulling them apart.

the Internet has proven to be very useful and has come with lots of advantages and disadvantages also. Communication: The most powerful weapon in the 21st century The Internet has enabled us to communicate with people around the world from even the most remote places on Earth to be in constant communication with one another. It is cheap and convenient the only costs are those paid to the Internet connection and services such as Skype video calls have helped people from distant countries to interact and share ideas. This has helped in scientific research, essay on internet advantages communication, government press release, and other fields where fast and continuous communication is key to smooth functioning.

Abundant information and resources: In addition to communication, providing access to the largest sources of information is one of the most important advantages the Internet offers us. there are multiple search engines that have made it easier for Internet users to find information. This has completely changed the world of research, technology, and education by enabling people to learn about almost anything with the click of a button. by the use internet, students can easily attend their online classes, and be it reading books, scholarly articles, or even sharing media, it's easily possible over the Internet. Because, in this generation, PayTm, PayPal, essay on internet advantages, and so many tools are there which help to pay bills within seconds, essay on internet advantages.

Online shopping or e-commerce: Essay on internet advantages Internet in our lives completely changed the face of the retail industry with the introduction of e-commerce. With the help of e-commerce. you can now buy virtually everything you need with a click of a button, be it groceries, clothing, furniture, essay on internet advantages, hardware, tools, electronics, books. You can get it all delivered right to your doorstep within days. Save time and energy: - You can work essay on internet advantages energy on offline mode Suppose, I want to have my Id card and for that, I have to go to the government parliament and after going there.

I have to wait for hours to get my number but it was the traditional pattern. Now, I can easily get my id card by staying at home and without spending energy as well as time. Entertainment and lifestyle: Entertainment has always been an integral part of modern civilization. With the help of the Internet, the entertainment and showbusiness industry has reached new heights. be it sport, movies, music, theater and all of the forms of entertainment have become very accessible, essay on internet advantages. People can watch programs of their choice from any part of the world.

With the help of the Internet. Gone are the days essay on internet advantages renting DVDs and purchasing each movie you want to watch. With the growth of online video streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney, Plus, Hulu, and many others watching movies has become much simpler. However, as the number of people who are using the Internet, increases exponentially on a daily basis. We must also understand some of the disadvantages of the Internet. Disadvantages :. Internet Addiction: some people spend a great amount of time on the Internet this affects their social interactions it can cause obesity and has in some cases led to some diseases it's completely isolated you from the outside world, essay on internet advantages, though sitting at home and getting everything you need to be delivered to your doorstep is a great advantage of the Internet.

Essay on internet advantages, it can also isolate a person from the virtual world. Teenagers and young adults who spend hours and even days locked up inside in front of the computer can fall prey to various mental health issues in extreme cases such as social anxiety, psychosis, and even depression. Therefore, it is important to find a balance and get out of the house regularly. Spam mail: spamming is the sending of unwanted and useless emails to random people they are illegal and make it hard for people to access their email accounts.

Eats your time: Another demerit of the Internet is that it eats away your time, no matter how careful and disciplined you are. With the sheer number of activities available on the Internet, essay on internet advantages. it is very common to get distracted and lose track of time. It has been found that the average person spends close to seven hours a day on the Internet. Eye-related problems: As you have to use the internet for your work, your eyes are being exposed to the computer screen or mobile screen which continuously emits light and hence, after a long period of usage of the internet, you may have eye-related problems.

Cybercrime: However, there are also other illegal groups, such as hackers and terrorist organizations, who can use this information for unlawful essay on internet advantages, In addition. stalking is another threat that has become quite common essay on internet advantages the introduction. Good social media. IT is important to take precautions while surfing the Internet to protect yourself from possible harm. Virus:- these are malicious programs that plague the Internet they attack a computer with the intent of causing harm they can make the computer malfunction and this can be very costly especially if you lose important data.

leakage of private information:- However, there is one security threat that has emerged to be a major issue in the last two decades. which is a threat to personal information. Major websites like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have been accused of collecting personal information about the people using their platform. This information is sold to other advertising firms to target customers for personalized ads. essay on internet advantages and debit card details are particularly vulnerable make sure to use a reliable payment processor instead of sending your details directly to an individual or business.

Fake news: One of the most impactful disadvantages of the Internet in this decade is fake News, the Internet has become a trusted source of getting news and information from around the globe. More than 57 percent of the population worldwide using the Internet, the spread of false information can cause panic and disturbed. How many governments and online media platforms have made a lot of efforts to verify facts before it is posted online to avoid false information and unnecessary complications. Even after almost 50 years since the making of the Internet, the security threats over the Internet still persist. Hackers can steal sensitive information that can harm individuals, businesses, essay on internet advantages, and other organizations, although the spread of viruses and other malicious programs can be identified to a certain extent.

Child security: The Internet can also be quite essay on internet advantages bad influence on children, Even with the presence of parental controls, young children can get exposed to a lot of content on the Internet, which is not suited for the fragile minds of a child. Gruesome online games and horror movies are just the tips of the iceberg. This is why parents should guide children and teach them to be safe on the Internet. kids exposed essay on internet advantages adults only content:- Internet contains age-inappropriate content like pornography unfortunately such content can be accessed by children parents can lock out harmful sites to keep their children safe nevertheless children can still access the internet from other devices. I think the Internet is something that we have to know, and we should know what is good and bad for us, and essay on internet advantages ourselves away from what can damage us in any way.

I think it is the same for every people, we have to be responsible because the Internet is a tool that helps us either with seeking information or in any ordinary situation. the internet is not bad the people who use it make it bad the internet is not dangerous for people that want to learn that want to communicate meet other people it is dangerous for the people that are looking for something dangerous. Also read: 10 Lines About Online Classes in English, essay on internet advantages. Also read: Essay on Importance of Mental Health. Also read: Social media boon or bane for students essay. Also read: Should Students get Limited access to the Internet.

Also read: Pandemic and dependence on social media essay. Also read: Essay on online Education during Lockdown. Also read: Short Paragraph On My Experience Of Online Classes During Lockdown. THANK YOU SO MUCH. It is possible to get a positive result even if you do not use any substance, essay on internet advantages. Certain prescription medications can cause false-positive readings. The long detection window, accuracy, and public collection method make the hair follicle drug test a nightmare for many drug users. Fortunately, the products we have highlighted here can help you eliminate all the traces of THC in your hair.

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Entertainment Internet provides you the entertainment. A few time ago you would have to buy it in CD but now you just search in the search box which movie or song you want to play and it will display you. You can find serials or seasons or dramas or a lot if entertaining things E-mailing [image: ]Private institutions, big companies, educational departments, private and government departments, colleges, NGOs etc. and a lot of different people have to use and are using service of email. It is a safe way to deliver the message and you can give message in seconds. It is the biggest source of connection for business trade and it is not possible without internet connection so without it and internet you can say that more than half of business trade in world will be vanished in some seconds.

It is common now a days if you have to submit your work or your assignment just email it email address and then you are done. Now you just have to give your roll no. provided by institution and you will see your result in a second. Now you can do your research on internet. Company ProfileIf you have to buy a car or food or medicine then you can search for things on their respective companies like Honda. Toyota, NGOs and different private and government companies. These companies have their own websites where there complete information is given. Customers now just have to visit their websites instead of visiting their buildings.

It also includes food companies like KFC, Mccdonalds, Subway, OPTP etc. If you are physically ill and cannot manage to do or go to a company for a job then you can earn by just your laptop through freelancing and this is just possible because of internet. You can work for some persons and in return they will give you amount or you can make softwares and sell them online. But it is very helpful if you are needy. Atm is available through which you can withdraw cash and other advanced thing is internet banking. Sell and buy online As internet made all the things all the way easy for you so It also provides you the facility to do a little bit of business at home. People truly quit their jobs and business and earn money through internet in various ways like by doing work online for other persons and then being paid by them or like the ones which are making videos on youtube, dailymotion and other websites.

Getting online Work [image: ]We can hire online peoples to do work which are great in sense that these are beneficial for both of them. If the person which is paying for work is busy and cannot do the work in time then he can manage to hire a person to do his work and on the other hand if that person is free and need some money then he can earn it doing his work. Internet is helpful in this way and also very strong dealing are done on it. Because you cannot see it and what it actually looks physically so you can easily be fraud on quality of products. It is also common now a days that what you order is completely different in quality than what you actually ordered.

So you would get disappointed. Loss of StudiesMostly students use the net for wrong purposes. Because they spend more time while using online activates. Loss of MoneyIn advantages we discussed about games which we can play online. Everything in excess is harmful and so it be. Because we are addicted to it so we can even allow us to pay for them to enjoy it. Gaming websites fixed prices for different games and then they earn from their users. Actually it is the complete loss of money so internet also caused you some bad habits of waisting money Health problemsIn past everyone is doing physical work and there was no concept of internet or anything related to it like mobile computer so we had seen the previous people are more healthy and strong.

Viruses There are viruses that can attack the files present in our computer and corrupt our files. They came through breaches and internet is the biggest breach for them. When you are browsing some files automatically download and install themselves automatically. Some of them are virsues and these viruses can harm your computer software or any program. Most of people use it and so there also exists some bad people which definitely try to get this money. For this, hackers are in every country which can hack your bank account and can access to your money and can transfer it anywhere they want.

Let us suppose we lost our mobile and internet banking facility is present in it so a person can easily transfer your money or can play with it. Access to your personal dataWith the list of disadvantages of internet there are also data stolen chances. If your computer or program is connected through internet then it can easily be hacked and your personal data is not safe. There are some business deals which are personal so it can harm your business also and in short you. It also exists on bigger levels where different countries steal each other data. FraudsFrauds are common on internet. There are a lot of websites and people on internet that are not real and not trusted. They hide their identity and if you believe them then they cause you a trouble it also includes fraud with your money and business deals.

Dark web Dark web is a big and a very bad part of internet. We just know about some limited websites and a common man can just access a limited number of websites in comparison to what actually there are. On dark web people sell drugs, arms, hire killers and do a lot of illegal activities so we should be careful and should keep ourselves away from these type of websites and activities. Governments Files and DataCountries which have some spicy things going between them hire some special hackers to hack important files and things and secret files of government. These hackers crack codes of files and get access in private important documents. These files may be related to drone designs, arms modules and many other private things for a country is not safe because of internet.

Wrong NewsSome fake channels and website publish wrong news on net to get more views to become famous. So always use and watch the secure and trusted websites and channels. Websites give the wrong news which may be suspenseful to get views and likes so they get populated. It is now in fact a business to give fake news because greater the views result in bigger earning so we should try to avoid it by selecting some trustworthy channels. Distant from family We all have a family which we love. Internet addicts its viewer and in fact the person starting getting distant from family when he involves in gaming, social networking as someone has said rightly in past and it comes out to be true that one day technology will surpass the human interaction.

Now people are getting far form family, parents, brother, sisters and friends. Waste of Dollar billsDoes we need internet? Yes, of course but does we actually need it that much we use? the answer is no. To use this much data we have to increase our limited data by paying more amount of money so in short we actually is waisting money also· ConclusionIt is no denying in say that internet is very beneficial for us in countless fields. it helps us a lot in every aspect of every field but there is exaggeration in saying that internet just have positive points and it can do no harm because where there are its advantages there exists a rival list of disadvantages which concludes us to limit our use of internet and not just ours, we will try to limit the source of internet to our children also so that they just get benefit from it.

Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Subject: Information Science and Technology Category: Impact of Technology , Computer Science Topic: Advantages of Technology , Disadvantages of Technology , World Wide Web Pages 6 Words: Published: 08 August Downloads: Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Information is useful in conducting research that will lead to enhancing the lives of people. Sharing of information might also help in the prevention of crime that would have otherwise led to destruction of property and loss of human lives. Another advantage of the Internet is that it offers entertainment to web users. People surf the Internet to listen to music, watch movies or even download and play games.

The best thing about the Internet is that one does not need to walk along with a collection of his favorite hits as they are readily available. Same thing applies to movies and games. The Internet has got its disadvantages too. In as much as it helps students in learning, if not checked, students can spend most of their time listening to non-educative programs on the Internet. The entertaining stuff on the Internet is much more appealing than the information that students need to get hence the time that students spend on the internet should be controlled to avoid such scenario where the Internet does not benefit them academically. Another disadvantage of the Internet is that with the invention of Internet games, kids no longer want outdoor games that contribute to their physical and mental development.

As a result, kids develop lifestyle diseases such as obesity as well as failing on interpersonal skills. Another disadvantage of the Internet is that by bring different people together through social media and communication, some perverted individuals have gotten a way of abusing the innocent individuals. Some individuals have used the Internet for criminal activities leading to loss of money through fraud. Some individuals, on the other hand, have fallen prey to cheaters who present themselves as good people on the internet but end up stealing or even killing the victims on arranged meetings.

Concisely, everything that is good must have a dark side to it. The Internet has numerous advantages on communication, information, and entertainment but it also has disadvantages with regards to crime, morality and lifestyle. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. Call Now! Order now.

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