Essay about violent video games
Draw SPECIFIC articles terms concepts materials show process development. These behaviors would cause a strained relationship between us. media consumption and subsequent behaviour? Using the ANOVA for the proposal, the researcher will be able to produce valid…. html Gunter, Barrie. Doesn't match any account.
Violent Video Games Don't Cause Kids to be Violent Do violent video games cause young people to become violent after playing the video games? This has been a hot topic of debate in the United States for several years. There are valid opinions on both sides of the issue, but this paper takes the position that violent video games do not cause kids to be violent. The Literature on Video Games -- Pros and Cons The ebsite ProCon, essay about violent video games. org has assembled a "pro" and "con" list of explanations with reference to the question of whether or not violent video games cause kids to be violent.
This paper will use a few of the pro-versus con arguments prior to listing other reasons why it is fair to say violent video games do not cause kids to become violent. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, among the most highly influential law enforcement organizations in…. Works Cited Gallagher, Michael D. Gentile Ed. Westport, essay about violent video games, CT: Praeger Publishing. The fact that the violent games require violent acts to be played over and over again creates an ideal learning situation. But what the players are learning is antisocial behavior and the idea that violence is a good way to resolve conflict. Psychology, New York: Worth Publishers. Children's attitudes toward violence on essay about violent video games. The Journal of Psychology, v.
They found that attitudes toward violence were linked to how many hours…. Hockenbury, S. Hough, K. Sherry, J. The effects of violent video games on aggression: A meta-analysis. Human Communication, Research, 27, 3, Violent Video Games Lead to Behavioral Problems On 24 Januarya terrorist or a group of terrorists bombed the Moscow International Airport Domodedovo which killed thirty seven people and wounded almost two hundred. hile law enforcement agencies were looking for the perpetrators, Russian state-supported English-language news media Russia Today pointed at an unlikely culprit: a video game, essay about violent video games.
The video game criticized by Russia Today was Call of Duty: Modern arfare 2, which, as the article suggested, could have inspired the terrorists that bombed the Domodedovo Airport. The article noted that a game segment called "No Russian" urges the players to take hostages and shoot at civilians in a fictitious Moscow airport, and essay about violent video games for Russians the scenes of the game became "a shocking reality" "Moscow Airport Terror Mirrors Video Game". Many people dismissed the claim by saying that terrorists did not need a video game to get inspired for…, essay about violent video games.
Works Cited "Moscow Airport Terror Mirrors Video Game," Russia Today, 25 January Anderson, Craig A. The variables of situational input like current violent media exposure affect hostile behavior via the impacts they have on the individual's current interior state, characterized by cognitive, sentimental, and stimulation variables. Hostile media maximizes aggression by instructing the observers the way to be violent, through priming hostile cognitions as well as formerly learned hostile scripts and hostile perceptual schemesby escalating provocation, or by making a hostile emotional state. Long-term results are also involving learning processes. From childhood, human beings study how to interpret, perceive, respond and judge events, both in the social and physical environment.
Different types of knowledge organization for these tasks are developing with time. They have their basis on daily observations of other people and also the connections with other people. Every episode of violent-media is fundamentally one additional learning trial. When these structures of knowledge are rehearsed and practiced over time, they get more compound,…. References Anderson, C. Examining an affective aggression framework: Weapon and temperature effects on aggressive thoughts, affect, and attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, essay about violent video games, -- Anderson, C.
Hot temperatures, hostile affect, hostile cognition, and arousal: Tests of a general model of affective aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21, -- Causal effects of violent sports video games on aggression: is it competitiveness or violent content? Journal of Experimental Social. Audience analysis: The average age of the audience is between 30 and 55 years of age with ages ranging from 14 to There is roughly an even balance of males to females; the main ethnic background is Caucasian. Some of the audience members are still in high school, some do not work outside the home, and some work full time jobs.
Most are from conservative religious backgrounds. As to this speech topic, most of the audience members are of childbearing age or have children themselves. This speech is given during the late afternoon. Central Idea: Banning or restricting the sale of violent video games Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the dangers of selling violent video games to children, and persuade them to support legal action against merchants who…. Works Cited: 1. Kent, Stephen. The ultimate history of video games. Roseville, CA: Prima. A, and Gentile, Violent video games; the effects on youth and public policy implications.
Singer Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. et al. Longitudinal effects of violent video games on aggression in japan and the United States. Pediatrics, 5 Introduction Video games have become a major form of leisure activity played by all persons starting from teenage. While for some, they are harmless activities used as pastimes, they are considered a precursor for violent behavior for others. This has essay about violent video games to essay about violent video games a major policy issue, especially in the US, where acts of violence, e. In real-world settings, some have attached violent behavior with playing violent video games; however, it is also true that many play the same violent video games, and they still can't harm a fly.
Therefore, this paper takes a critical analysis of these two Cunningham et al. References American Psychological Association. Resolution on Violent Video Games. aspx Anderson, C. Violent video games: Myths, facts, and unanswered questions. Psychological Science Agenda, 16 5. Cunningham, S. Violent video games and violent crime. Southern Economic Journal, 82 4essay about violent video games, Farrelly, P. Issues of trustworthiness, validity, and reliability. British Journal of School Nursing, 8 3 Gentile, D. Violent video game effects on salivary cortisol, arousal, and aggressive thoughts in children. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 39— Markey, P. Violent video games and real-world violence: Rhetoric versus data. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4 4— Matthen, M.
The Oxford handbook of philosophy of perception. Oxford Handbooks. Quite to the point, television, film, pop music and video games share in common a proclivity to promote that which yields prosperity. Thus, there is little regard from the computer gaming industry for indications that "a meta-analytic review of the video-game research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young adults. Connecting absorption of such media with the commitment of violent crimes remains a challenge however. Famously, the two minors responsible for the massacre at the Columbine High School in were noted for playing such….
Works Cited: Anderson, C. Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature. Psychological Science, 12 5 Harding, a. Violent Essay about violent video games Games Linked to Child Aggression. Video Games and Violence The essay about violent video games of integration of video games into the culture of the youth in the United States could not be clearer. One estimate stated that ninety-seven percent of twelve to seventeen-year-olds played a video essay about violent video games in ESA, These figures suggest that virtually everyone in that specific demographic play video games.
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This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge with respect to the influence that…. References Amladi, S. no date. Using action video games to train working memory in students with working memory deficits. University of Wisconsin-Madison. pdf Anand, V. A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers. Cyber Psychology and Behavior. Effect of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, psychological arousal and prosocial behavior. Psychological Science. Applebaum, L, Cain, M. Action video game playing is associated with improved visual sensitivity, but not alternations in visual sensory memory. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. Computer Games esearch When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology.
With the ever-increasing interest and involvement of children in this activity, much concern has been expressed about the impact of these games, especially ones of a more violent nature, on physical and psychological development. At the crux of the debate is the question of whether they are detrimental to a young person's health. There are specific concerns about such factors as aggression, addiction, criminal activity, obesity and reduced academic achievement. Studies thus far show both positive and negative results from playing video and PC games. Some research finds that the playing or observing of violent…. References Cited Anderson, C. Dill "Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, , 78, Ask, A. Winefield, "To kill or not to kill: Competitive aggression in Australian adolescent males during videogame play. van Feilitzen and U. Carlsson Eds. Goteborg, Sweden: UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen, Bowman, R. And J. Tan, There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support this theory -- several prominent school shootings have been ostensibly linked to video game playing -- but real scientific evidence is also emerging that suggests a more subtle but similar effect. In one study, college-age participants who had spent time playing olfenstein 3D, a first person shooter computer game, "punished" their opponents by subjecting them to loud noises of high intensity more frequently and for longer periods of time than participants that had played a non-violent computer game.
In the words of Dr. Craig Anderson, one of the psychologists and researchers who conducted the study, "violent video games provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive solutions to conflict situations. Works Cited American Psychological Association. html Gunter, Barrie. The Effects of Video Games on Children. Wiltshire: Sheffield Academic Press Ltd. Jenkins, henry. html Kirsh, Steven J. Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence. London: Sage Publications, Additional studies show these effects last. Talk to you about the video games you play? Have to ask permission before playing video games? Parent reports Yes" Child reports Yes" Does your family have rules about how much you may play? Does your family have rules about when you may play video games? The Future of Video Gaming Positive applications for learning have emerged from video gaming capabilities.
A Computer Research Association report entitled: "Cyberinfrastructure for…. Bibliography Fischer, P. American Psychological Association Walsh, D. National Institute on Media and the Family, 28 Nov Ainsworth, S. And Weimar, S. Computing Research Association. pdf Gaming Advances as Learning Tool: For Some Educators, Computer Games are Serious Business" eSchool News Online. Video games: Are video games morally dangerous? One of the most controversial forms of new technology is that of video games. Authors such as Grant Tavinor have lauded video games as unique pieces of 'interactive' art while opponents of video games such as Stephanie Partridge have condemned video games' violent images and the fact that they encourage the viewer to distance him or herself from the consequences of those actions.
There is concern that because of their all-absorbing, interactive nature, video are uniquely 'dangerous' for the user, which for their proponents is actually what makes them so fascinating. Tavinor clams that in additional to the artistic component of the video game experience, video games are themselves art because of their 'gaming' component. If various games such as chess have been called 'art' throughout the ages because of their use of dynamic strategy and what they demand of the viewer, why…. Sexism in Video Games Video game characters are iconic in youth popular culture. Their influence goes far outside of the realm of the game, so that even youth who do not play games are exposed to video game characters. For example, it is common for products to use video game characters in their marketing campaigns when targeting young adults.
Moreover, it is not unusual for there to be an overlap between video games and other forms of popular culture. Video games may be spun off into books, cartoons, films, and television shows. There is nothing inherently wrong with the presence of video game characters in so much youth-oriented popular culture. However, while video games may seem like harmless fun, it is important to understand the content of those video games and the message that content sends to young players, in order to understand the potential negative impact of these games. Works Cited Cass Communications. Dill, Karen. Research on Sexist and Pro-Rape Attitudes among Gamers.
Violence in Video Games The cultivation of violence in video games: causal or correlational? Studies on media effects have always included the influential role that television and new media technologies such as the computer and Internet ICTs. With the proliferation of both mass media, there is greater penetration of its content to children and the adolescent youth, who are frequent TV watchers and ICT users. Among the concerns of parents and scholars about the proliferation of this mass media is its unintended effects -- the cultivation of violence and development of violent behavior of the child through TV and ICT content. Focus is especially given to the youth who actively engage in video gaming, either through the TV, computer, or Internet.
Parents and mass media research claim that video games harness an individual's violent behavior, resulting to aggressiveness and development of hostile attitude towards other people. In this paper, the…. Bibliography Brody, M. Gaziano, C. Lynne Eagle, L. Bulmer, and A. de Bruin. Wagner, C. In addition, as the evolution of the high-tech devices continues, the involvement of the children in playing video games gives them the high opportunity and assistance necessary in releasing their frustrations and stress in a safer manner and in a controlled environment hence a chance to manage any hostile characters rather than encouraging them. For instance, a child who do not play video games frequently, can significantly benefit from releasing stress by spending approximately 15 to 20 minutes in playing video games Marino n.
Works cited Marino, Jonathan. Positive effects of video games, article base. Robers, James. The positive effects of video games on children. Psychological knowledge has allowed this balancing act in video game marketing to be much more finely tuned than it would be otherwise. Ethical Principles The first three principles discussed herein relate to the efficacy of various marketing efforts, and the considerations that must be taken into account in order for marketing to reach the people intended and be responded to in the desired manner.
When it comes to the ethical principles of marketing it is less about direct efficacy and more about the overall social benefit and cultural values being upheld in marketing materials and efforts. The ethics of marketing are essentially limiting factors on the types and precise design of marketing materials that can be utilized for a given product or industry, but viewing them only as limitation does not really…. References Carroll, R. Principles of marketing. New York: Global Media. Higgins, L. Accessed 8 August violence in the media can create violent behavior in children and teens. Many studies show that watching violent media, such as video games, films, and even the television news can cause violent behavior in children and teens, and that behavior can continue into adulthood.
Several different studies have indicated that violence in the media can produce violent and aggressive behavior in children and teens. In addition, a fifteen-year study by the American Psychological Association APA also showed that both men and women are affected by media violence, and that adults who watched this media as children tended to be more violent, and convicted of more violent crimes Partenheimer, In the past decade, violence has become much more common in the media, as…. References Editors. Children and media violence. Retrieved 4 Dec. Greene, K. Predicting exposure to and liking of media violence: A uses and gratifications approach.
Partenheimer, D. Childhood exposure to media violence predicts young adult aggressive behavior, according to a new year study. People can tell the difference between a violent television show and reports of violence on the news, and are more upset by reports of real violence, even though those reports are less graphic than fictional representations. Therefore, the media does not desensitize people to violence. Finally, while media portrayals of violence have gotten more graphic, society itself has not become more violent. On the contrary, the channels for discussing that violence have simply become more accessible.
For example, the American South during slavery and Jim Crow were replete with violence against African-Americans, but, because that violence was institutionalized and acceptable, there were few media portrayals of that violence. As a greater range of behavior has become unacceptable, it has become included in reports of violence, but the upswing in reports does not necessarily correlate with an increase in actual incidents. Violence exists in societies without violent media. In addition, viewers…. Counselling Cases of violent children have become rampant prompting a lot of research and studies directed towards unravelling the reason behind violence, some of which are extreme at such tender ages.
The author gives an example of two children who launched a violent attack in their school killing a teacher and four little girls. The motive suggested for one of the child's behavior is that he was jilted by a girl. These two children were only thirteen and eleven years old. This is quite a young age for a child to exhibit such extreme violent behaviors, they were so young yet they killed with a finely honed sense of premeditation. If I was a child psychologist like the author I would definitely be inspired by this event trying to make sure I found out the exact cause of violent behaviors as such in children who are very young.
The author…. References Jonatha K. Savage Spawn: Reflection of Violent Children. Balantine Books. Video Games and Their Effect on Children Video Games were first introduced in the s and rapidly caught on as a major leisure activity especially among children within a decade. Children these days spend more time watching TV or playing video games than any other activity save sleeping. Since video games are a relatively recent phenomenon research about its effects on children cannot be considered conclusive. However, most studies so far indicate that video games can have both positive and negative effects on children depending on the time spent in the activity and the type of video games played.
The Positive Effects Most early researches in the effect of video games on children indicated that they had an overall positive effect on children. Introduction to Computers Video games were a friendly way to introduce children to the use of computers and improved their hand-eye co-ordination. Some older studies also indicated…. References Cesarone, Bernard. Video Games and Children. ERIC Digest. html Clements, David. htm Mitchell, Edna. Antic Vol. Available Online] December 6, Goldstein, Jeffrey 'The Attractions of Violent Entertainment', Media Psychology, vol. The core idea of this article is that majority of researchers only concern themselves with effects of violence in mass media, neglecting the question of why the audience is attracted to violent entertainment in the first place.
The author describes the attractions of violent entertainment, based on a project supported by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation HFG. This article fits into a lot of different categories on violence such as the violence in movies and video games. There is plenty of literature that dives into this subject matter but appears to tackle this subject matter. Other articles makes the point at that violence is basically the foundation of a lot of films, TV movies, and not to mention even action series. To take it even further, violence is repeatedly identical with "action. References Cantor, J. Children's attraction to violent television programming. Goldstein Ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Goldstein, J. The Attractions of Violent. Media Psychology, 34 7 , pp. Guttmann, A. The appeal of violent sports. New York: Oxford. In other words, if the study is inordinately time-consuming for the purpose of doing something non-academic or otherwise beneficial, is it responsible research to ask young people to participate? External validity concerns "whether results from experiments in one setting time and place will be obtained in other settings" Maxfield and Babbie One external concern is the use of a middle-class suburban neighborhood. If this study was done in an upper-class neighborhood, a rural neighborhood, an urban neighborhood, or a low-income neighborhood, the results might vary greatly.
In terms of internal validity, the causality of aggressive video games for aggressive behavior might be difficult to prove given all the other stimuli that can potentially cause aggression in children including violence in other media like music, television, and film, violent or aggressive living circumstances which may not be disclosed to the researcher, etc. If boys are found to be…. Works Cited Maxfield, Michael G. Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, To these kids playing video games is an extracurricular activity and they don't see any reason to do anything else. The major problem with this is that the incidence of childhood obesity in the U. is three times higher than it was 40 years ago. esearch shows that the increased use of technology by children during leisure time has transformed play from what used to be more physically active to sedentary.
Children are often engaged in an environment that exposes them to food advertisement that encourages even more caloric consumption. Despite the linkage between technology and sedentary behavior, no consistent policy exists at the federal level that articulates government's role to address this issue Campbell, Gilmore, McGinty, Pickering and amos, A new study shows that every hour that a child plays video games or watches television may double their risk of obesity. This is not the first study to…. References Campbell, Casie, Gilmore, William, McGinty, James, Pickering, Jennifer and Ramos, Joseph. Minimizing Technologies' Contribution to Childhood Obesity. html Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
Retrieved March 2, , from Pro. while the parents were asked to complete the Conners' Parent Rating Scale CPRS. This helped the researchers obtain information regarding the behavioral abnormalities, hyperactivity, inattention, ADHD, etc. Statistical analysis of the gathered information clearly revealed an increase in inattentive behavior p? shtml 3 Jerald J. Block, M. ANOVA Test The focus of this proposal is to use the analysis of variance ANOVA to test whether the video games influence behavior. There has been a general public concern on the risk factor of video games on the youth's behavior especially children under 18 years of age. Science Daily shows that video games are the risk factors to aggression and criminal behavior.
Despite this assertion, there still a paucity of valid and reliable academic research on the risk factors of video games on behavior. This proposal attempts to fill the gap by using ANOVA to test whether the video games influence behavior. Do video games influence the aggressive or criminal behavior? ANOVA is an appropriate statistical test for the proposal because it will be used to test for a significant difference of two means. Using the ANOVA for the proposal, the researcher will be able to produce valid…. Reference Jackson, S. Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach 4th ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Office of the Surgeon General. Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Science Daily Violent Video Games Are a Risk Factor for Criminal Behavior and Aggression, New Evidence Shows. Science News. There have been numerous attempts to intervene in determining the target groups for such video games by the policy makers. More precisely, legislative acts have been undertaken in several states that would limit the purchase of video games by minors Thierer, However, such initiatives are against the First Amendment of the Constitution and were therefore rejected. Despite the fact that such an option may have reduced the number of video games purchased by minors, it may not have had the desired results largely because not all video games are violent.
Indeed additional care should be provided to limit violent video games from influencing children and young adults, but the total ban of video game purchasing by minors would not have reached the desired result. Minors could have requested an adult to purchase such video games and it would have only pushed children of thinking of different methods to acquire…. Works Cited Gentile, D. Violent Video Games as Exemplary Teachers: A Conceptual Analysis. Institute of Science and Society. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Rudon, T. Retrieved from SelfGrowth. html Thierer, A. Regulating Video Games: Must Government Mind Our Children? Media Violence hat impact does media violence have on society? How are children affected and how are adolescents affected by violence portrayed in movies, television, video games and in other forms?
This paper reviews and critiques peer-reviewed articles that address the subject of media violence from several perspectives -- and takes positions on the arguments and research presented in those scholarly articles. There is ample empirical research available to back up the assertion that violent video games, movies and television programs have a negative impact on young people. It is the thesis of this paper that ultimately the responsibility for guidance vis-a-vis violent media is not on schools or law enforcement but in fact is on the shoulders of parents.
The Influence of Media Violence on Youth An article in the Psychological Science in the Public Interest Anderson, et al. Works Cited Anderson, Craig A. The Influence of Media Violence on Youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4 3 , Trees take in carbon dioxide which includes pollution in the air and give off oxygen so we can all breathe, and so God's plan can be carried through. The teaching of values, morals, and discipline must be part of the program for a Catholic teacher, and also the involvement of parents brings the school, the Church, the children and the families together in a fellowship of learning and praying.
As was mentioned earlier in this section, involving parents in their children's learning activities is a powerful way to keep our faith strong and growing in the context of education and Christianity. This is particularly poignant because on page 9 of the "Our Catholic Schools" one of the major issues facing Catholic education is the "…inadequate home and parish involvement with schools," and we can mitigate this problem by working closely with children to get them inspired enough so they want…. Works Cited Dall, Mary Doerfler. Children Discover the Mass. Notre Dame, in: Ave Maria Press. Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Ontario's Catholic Schools. Teacher Expectations.
However, the fundamental research findings are consistent. The research continues to demonstrate that exposure to violence creates negative manifestations in the behavior of children. With greater access to firearms and explosives, the scope and efficiency of violent behavior has had serious consequences. We need only look at the recent school shootings and the escalating rate of youth homicides among urban adolescents to appreciate the extent of this ominous trend" Beresin, Given the fact that children are manifesting violent behavior in more and more disturbing ways, making places like schools -- previously dens of safety -- into places where children feel unsafe….
References Beresin, V. The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions. This article examines the biophysiological impact of violent images on children and how those exact dynamics work. Media violence may affect children's minds. Offers a thorough appraisal on how violent media images impact the minds of children using relevant literature to support the case. Anderson et al. How well to deal with violent behavior remains one of the most significant challenges we face in the modern society. This is more so the case given that unlike a couple of years ago, access to weapons that could compromise public safety has today become relatively easy.
We only need to look at the recent school shootings to catch a glimpse of the escalating problem of violent behavior. While blame cannot be apportioned entirely on violent video games, research has shown that the said games do indeed have an impact on violent behavior most particularly amongst children. The relevance of exploring measures available to rein in the problem in this case cannot hence be overstated. To begin with, parents should play an active supervisory role when it comes to the purchase and utilization…. Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression, Empathy, and Prosocial Behavior in Eastern and Western Countries: A Meta-Analytic Review. American Psychological Association, 2 , pdf Hill, G.
A Level Psychology through Diagrams. Speech Are Video Games to Blame for Violence and Violent Crimes in Teenagers? Over the past few months there has been an increase in awareness of crimes and violent acts by teenagers, arguably stemming from their interactions with video games. In one particular case as reported by ABC News in September, two teenage boys in Tennessee accidentally murdered Aaron Deneau on Interstate 40 when they took a shotgun and started to recreate their own version of Grand Theft Auto 3 - a game that involves crime and gun violence. The Deneau family have filed a case against the makers of Grand Theft Auto 3, claiming that violent games like it should not be made because they encourage crime and violence in teenagers.
She is already almost fully potty trained, communicates verbally and through sign-language, and plays well with others in her daycare as well as everywhere else. I see my daughter having a bright future and hope for her to continue surpassing others her age, and I worry that violent video games could negatively alter her progress. When my husband would play World of Warcraft, he had to be logged on and ready to fight at certain times every-day. Some fights would last for hours as his team attempted to defeat their enemy. If our daughter was to get caught up in a time constrained fight she had to sign onto when she returned home that lasted hours, it could conflict with her school-work; thus, her grades would drop. Not only would playing violent video games take time away from her school-work but also could affect her prosocial environment.
As a parent, I want my daughter to help others willingly without having to tell her to do so. My daughter loves to help others, she can only do so much being only one year old. She will try to feed her friends, give her cousin his bottle, and will find and give him his binky when he starts to cry. I would never want to hinder her willingness and desire to help others positively. Sarah Coyne, a researcher for the Department of Psychology, studied the prosocial effects of violent video games on adolescents over a five year time period. Her study revealed that not only did violent video games lessen adolescents prosocial behavior and compassion, but participants also had increased levels of externalizing behaviors Coyne.
Externalizing behaviors could cause her to act out, bully others, steal, and ruin property. These behaviors would cause a strained relationship between us. It is my intentions when my daughter gets older to have her help out in the community doing volunteer work. If my daughter was to lose interest in helping others, she may view volunteer work as a chore rather than as a self-reward. In order to succeed in school, a student needs sleep. It is common knowledge that the recommended amount of sleep any person needs a night is eight hours.
My daughter, however, usually sleeps an average of twelve hours a night. I know that sounds crazy, right? If she does not get those full twelve hours of sleep though, she will be miserable. Now, I am sure that once she is older she probably will not sleep twelve hours a night but, if she is anything like me, she will want close to it still. Daniel King, researcher from the School of Psychology in Australia, did a sleep study to test the effects after playing violent video game on seventeen adolescents sleep patterns. My husband used to let his video game consume his life entirely. He would go to work, come home, and hop right on the computer to play his game until it was almost time for him to go to work again. I really do not understand how he survived on such a lack of sleep but, when you are addicted to the game, sleep really is not a priority anymore, as my husband said.
If my daughters sleep was to be interrupted, regardless if she went to bed on time or not, it would negatively affect her schooling as well. My daughter would not want to get out of bed in the morning for school and mentally would not be awake for the first few periods. My daughters lack of sleep would not only affect her education but as well as her extra-curricular activities and family bonding time. Lastly, violent video games cost money. Fortnite, one of the most popular violent video games today, is a money making machine. The cost may not seem like much, but over time it adds up. Although technically it will be her money to spend on what she wants, there are still ground rules because it is coming from our pockets.
That money given to our daughter could be spent on toys or other items she may want for her extra-curricular activities rather than maintaining a fictional character. Overall, violent video games have too many negative effects associated with them to allow my daughter to engage in them. Many violent video games can affect an adolescent mentally and physically. In the society we live in today, self-perception is becoming a bigger issue than what it used to be for adolescents. This may seem like the answer for a short term release but, in fact, it is harming our adolescents.
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